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Q4 Smartphone Shipments to Be Up 10%+ Sequentially

Snartphone shipments will grow more than 10% q-o-q and 2% y-o-y reaching over 300 million units, says Digitimes Research.

The sequential increase is driven primarily by Apple’s iPhone shipments.

Demand for smartphones has started recovering in emerging markets, such as Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa, in the latter half of the third quarter of 2023.

Global smartphone shipments for the third quarter of 2023 totaled nearly 275 million units, narrowing the annual decline to 0.6%.

2023 smartphone shipments for 2023 are forecast at 1.1043 billion units.

In the Chinese market, Q3 shipments have slightly increased to 61.3 million units, with a year-on-year growth rate of 5%.

Outside of China, due to the recovery in demand from emerging countries, shipments have been revised upward to 213.5 million units, narrowing the annual decline to 2.1%.

2023 5G smartphone shipments are forecast to be 571.5 million units, representing a 2.9% decline from 2022.

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